Russia has placed a new general officer in charge of the training of the Russian military. Some information on Lieutenant General Valery Yevnevich does exist out there. According to Jamestown, Yevnevich spent almost seven years in Moldova overseeing the Russian peacekeeping operation in that area. The big cesspool of Moldova is the Transistria region that has become a center of crime. Anything from human trafficking to drugs and weapons smuggling, it's an A-Z of crime.
What's intersting to note is that Yevnevich replaced Alexander Lebed, who was apparently recalled due to pressure from mob leadership in the area. Yevnevich, though, was able to overcome the political strength of the criminals in Transistria and pretty much defang them and remove and destroy just about all of the military material that had been passed to them over the years. Yevnevich appears to be a true professional officer dedicated to the success of the Russian military. One has to wonder if he'll work to professionalize the military and develop it into a factor of democratic strength in Russia, or will he work to strengthen Russia as a threat to the region? Time will tell, but I'll hope for the former. Sphere: Related Content