Over the weekend it was reported that the Nevsky Express was derailed by a bomb on the track as it traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow. While the details are still coming out and no one has yet to claim responsibility for the attack, one has to wonder if this is the opening act of the elections for 2012. While Putin may be a lock for another term as the President of Russia, will there be similar attacks with other murky identities of terrorists and terrorist groups? As Patriarch Kirill stated in his sermon Sunday "“Russia is a peaceful country,” he said, “but when the hand of the enemy is raised up against our way of life, we will ably protect our fellow citizens.”
So this raises the question, who is the enemy in this latest bombing? The Chechen wars were partly driven by the bombings of the apartments in Moscow, in which several things seemed askew, such as the third bomb which failed to go off and also the fact that none of the government building in Moscow were never bombed. Is this a ploy to manipulate voters feelings of security ahead of 2012? It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Sphere: Related Content