Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Woke up this morning to the report that the FBI had (or is) arrested 11 members of a russian spy ring operating on the East Coast. According to the new reports, all were "illegals" operating under a cover provided by the SVR. Oleg Kalugin is quoted as being surprised that the SVR had so many "illegals" operating here in the states.

So the question stands that as to why now? What will the impact be on US-Russia relations. As to the why now, I don't know, but it will be interesting to see when and how the Russians drop the other shoe in Moscow. If anything, the spy ring may have made some critical advance in it efforts to There is most likely an interesting backstory to this that we will not be privy to for several years. What will the impact be on relations? Probably none as the Russians have begun to tilt a little more westward. Sphere: Related Content

Monday, June 28, 2010

President Medvedev hits the Twitter...

Prez D Medvedev has gone and gotten a Twitter account just in time for the G20 conference in Toronto. I'll have to say he's not doing a bad job of tweeting. But based on his tweets you can see where he is pushing his international agenda with his Twitter that

The #G8 and #G20 were productive. We discussed important issues for everyone: drug trafficking, the environment, nuclear safety and finance.

Although I think he needs to get the word out more. He does trail Prez Obama by about 44 million followers. Sphere: Related Content